Autism Awareness

Miguel Pereyra
Has been in Rotary for 32 years and always in the same club, the RC de Montserrat, in Buenos Aires , Argentina, District 4895, where he occupied all positions of the Board, being its President twice. He also had the honor of being District Governor in 2009-2010 and Training Leader in the International Assemblies 2012 and 2013. 
Miguel has also been a Regional Leader, appointed as Endowment/Major Gift Adviser of TRF in Zone 23 B and C, 2013-2017.
A Major Donor of TRF Level 3, with his wife Liliana and his three sons are all Paul Harris Fellows, he was also Representative of RI Presidents in District Conferences in Latin America, Aide of RI Presidents, Chairman of two Zone Institutes, Chairman of GETS and Member of the Official Committee to promote Taipei 2021 World Convention, among other Rotary activities.
"I am proud to be a member and Director of HEWRAG, where through the Autism Committee we share our service activities with presentations at various World Conventions, the last one in Hamburg 2019". 

Improving the lives of autistic children and their families !

Among the projects carried out, we have supported a World Autism Congress held in my country through a District Grant. We generated strategic alliances with CESSI (Chamber of Software Manufacturers of Argentina), creating an application, the DANE project, to be used by autistic children on their tablets, cell phones and computers, which facilitated their interaction with the world around them. We share this application in several Latin American countries. We also invited APADEA (Autistic Parents Association in Argentina) to join Rotary and work together on various projects and four members of my club are current Directors of the aforementioned Association. In this Rotary period, we joined the Alliance with PANAACEA and BRINCAR, which are two organizations also involved in the issue of Autism and among the three they make up more than 85% of the actions and efforts at the national level on this issue. During the last year we have expanded our scope and always exalting the role of HEWRAG, we began to develop a service project called Autism Network, whose objective is allow the interaction of families, professionals and entities related to Autism. It is a social network whose prototype is practically finished. For this, we invited to join us at the company Globant, who is part of our team now. Globant is a Tech South American company with the largest valuation and with offices in London, USA and throughout Latin America. We think that in the next three months it will be operative for the entire Spanish-speaking world, as a first stage, and then for the rest of the world, in English. The estimated beneficiaries are in the order of 16 million people, in this firs stage, who could interact, on various topics on Autism. We remain in contact with all friends through HEWRAG and with the permanent predisposition to contribute to improving the quality of life, in this case for autistic children. All those who would like to join us are welcome.
 PDG Miguel Angel Martinez Pereyra

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Ten New Year's Resolutions for a Neurodiverse family .

Posted by Jaco de Goede on January 5, 2023

As the parents of neurodiverse children (and neurodiverse adults ourselves), it can be challenging to navigate the unique needs and challenges of raising a child with unique needs. That's why it's important to actively plan to prioritize our own self-care and well-being, as well as the needs of our children and family. Here are ten resolutions that can help neurodiverse families set goals and make positive changes in the new year:

1. Seek out and prioritize self-care for all family members, including physical, emotional, and mental health. As a neurodiverse family, it is important to prioritize self-care for all members in order to maintain healthy and positive relationships. This may involve finding time for physical activity, such as going for a daily walk or joining a gym, practicing stress-reducing techniques such as meditation or journaling, or seeking support from a therapist or counselor. Self-care activities might include setting aside time each day for a relaxing activity, or setting boundaries with others to protect personal time and space.

2. Build a supportive network of other neurodiverse families, family members, and professionals to help us navigate the challenges and celebrate the strengths of our family's diverse neurological profiles. Having a strong support system can be crucial for neurodiverse families, as navigating the unique challenges and strengths of diverse neurological profiles can be emotionally and physically demanding. This might involve joining a support group for neurodiverse families, connecting with other families online or in person, seeking out the advice and guidance of professionals such as therapists or teachers, and enlisting the help and support of family members. Practical examples of building a supportive network can include attending a support group meeting, reaching out to other families for advice or to share experiences, or inviting a trusted family member or friend to provide respite care so that we can take a break.

3. Stay informed about the latest research and developments in neurodiversity and neurological conditions. It is important for neurodiverse families to stay up-to-date on the latest research and best practices in neurodiversity and neurological conditions in order to make informed decisions about our family's care. This might involve reading articles, attending conferences or workshops, and consulting with professionals to stay informed about the latest developments in the field. You can subscribe to a professional journal or newsletter, attend an educational conference or workshop, or consult with a therapist or other professional about treatment options for our family.

4. Advocate for the needs and rights of all family members within their educational and therapeutic settings. As a neurodiverse family, it is important that we advocate for the needs and rights of all family members in order to ensure that they receive the best possible care and support. This might involve communicating with teachers and therapists, participating in school meetings, and speaking up if we feel the needs of any family members are not being met. Communicating with teachers and therapists about the progress and needs of all family members will ensure that everyone is informed, and speaking up if we have concerns will resolve any issue quickly.

5. Encourage and support the independence and self-advocacy skills of all family members. Helping all family members develop independence and self-advocacy skills can be crucial for their long-term success and well-being. This might involve teaching self-care skills, helping them learn to communicate their needs and preferences, and encouraging them to take on new challenges and responsibilities. Practical examples of encouraging independence and self-advocacy might include teaching self-care skills to all family members, helping them learn to communicate their needs and preferences, and encouraging them to take on age-appropriate responsibilities such as helping with household chores.

6. Create a safe and structured home environment that meets the unique needs of all family members. A safe and structured home environment can be especially important for neurodiverse families, as different neurological profiles may require different levels of structure and support in order to feel secure and regulated. Establishing routines and schedules that accommodate the needs of all family members, setting clear expectations and boundaries, and creating a physical environment that is organized and free of distractions. Practical examples of creating a structured home environment might include setting a consistent daily routine that accommodates the needs of all family members, using visual schedules to help all family members understand what to expect, and minimizing clutter and distractions in living and play spaces.

7. Encourage and support the hobbies and passions of all family members, and help them find ways to pursue them. All family members benefit from having the opportunity to pursue their interests and passions, and this is especially important for those with neurological differences who may face additional challenges in finding and accessing appropriate opportunities. This might involve finding resources and opportunities for all family members to pursue their interests, such as classes or clubs, and helping them develop the skills and confidence to pursue their passions. Practical examples of encouraging and supporting the hobbies and passions of all family members might include signing them up for classes or clubs that align with their interests, helping them find resources or mentors to support their pursuits, and encouraging and celebrating their achievements.

8. Work with our therapists and teachers to develop and implement effective communication and behavior strategies. Effective communication and behavior strategies can be crucial for helping our child succeed and thrive. This might involve collaborating with professionals to develop and implement communication and behavior plans, and being proactive in seeking out strategies and interventions that can help our family succeed. Practical examples of working with professionals to develop communication and behavior strategies might include attending therapy sessions and actively participating in the development of treatment plans, following through with recommended strategies at home, and seeking out additional resources or interventions as needed.

9. Find ways to balance the unique needs of each family member with the overall needs of the family. It can be a challenge to balance the unique needs of each family member with the overall needs of the family, and it is important to find ways to meet the needs of all members while also maintaining a sense of harmony within the family. This might involve seeking out additional support and resources, setting boundaries, and finding ways to divide responsibilities within the family to ensure that everyone's needs are being met. Practical examples of finding balance might include seeking out respite care or other forms of support, setting limits on our time and energy commitments, and finding ways to divide responsibilities within the family so that everyone has the support they need.

10. Foster and maintain a positive and understanding attitude towards neurodiversity and neurological differences, and promote acceptance and inclusion in our community. As a neurodiverse family, it is important that we foster a positive and understanding attitude towards neurodiversity and neurological differences, and work to promote acceptance and inclusion in our community. This might involve educating ourselves and others about neurodiversity and neurological conditions, advocating for inclusive policies and practices, and being supportive and understanding of the unique needs and challenges of each family member. Practical examples of fostering a positive attitude might include seeking out information and resources to better understand the needs and challenges of each family member, advocating for inclusive policies and practices in our family's educational and therapeutic settings, and being a supportive and understanding parent to all family members.

We presented the Project AUTISMORED.ORG at the Multidistrict Conference in Buenos Aires on May 19 to 21, with the presence of the RI President Shekar Metha , where the six Rotary Districts Governors of Argentina, Paraguay and part of Uruguay signed an agreement, assuming the commitment to disseminate the project and invite communities interested in the autism issue, to participate and get involved.
Our goal in the presentation was to emphasize Hewrag's role. 
The RI President Shekhar Metha was delighted with the project and urged us to spread it through all the clubs in the world, which is our goal in stages.

Queridos Gobernadores de la Zona 23 B:

Un gran gusto saludarlos. Me comunico por expresa solicitud del D 4140 de México, e invitarlos a participar de la PRIMERA CUMBRE GLOBAL JUVENTUD ROTARIA. La misma se realizará en forma virtual los días 1 y 2 de mayo durante 24 hs continuas de transmisión en vivo y en los cinco continentes. En lo personal, es un gran honor haber sido invitado a ser uno de los expositores en mi calidad de Director del Grupo de Acción de Rotary HEWRAG. Salud, Educación y Bienestar- y compartir las acciones que estamos desarrollando en el tema AUTISMO, con especial foco en niños y jóvenes. Cada Distrito está invitado a exponer los Proyectos de Servicio a la Juventud que se están desarrollando y para ello hay plazo de presentación de las Ponencias hasta el 20 de Abril. Adjunto detalle de las características de los contenidos de cada Ponencia y también el Flyer de la Convocatoria y la Finalidad de la misma. El correo electrónico de contacto para el envío de las Ponencias es: [email protected] Agradezco al Convocador de esta Primera Cumbre Global Juventud Rotaria, el GD Mario Vargas del D 4140 y al Presidente del Comité Organizador DNGC Rafael Molina - District New Generation Chair- por la invitación cursada.

Gran abrazo

Miguel Angel
PDG Miguel A. Martinez Pereyra D 4895,
Buenos Aires,